Tag: kubernetes

  • Zero Trust Architecture with Kubearmor on MS Azure

    Zero Trust Architecture with Kubearmor on MS Azure

    Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a security model that treats every request as a threat, verifying each access request based on an access policy. KubeArmor is a cloud-native runtime security enforcement system that leverages Linux security modules to enforce user-specified policies. To secure virtual machines, Microsoft recommends various steps such as configuring logical isolation, leveraging…

  • Scaling Applications on Kubernetes with Monitoring, Backup, and Storage

    Scaling Applications on Kubernetes with Monitoring, Backup, and Storage

    Kubernetes, a platform for managing scalable, containerized applications, employs horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling for application scaling. It also uses tools like Prometheus for monitoring, Velero for backup and restore, and Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) for storage. Utilizing these features, alongside proper monitoring and backup, can significantly enhance application performance, reliability,…